Burchett index cards
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South - Burchett
'National Gymnasium' (1863 - c1906) was located (from c1870), west of East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
1863. 'National Gymnasium' established by Gustav Techow.
1870. MCC BR: J.B. Stout, for Trustees National Gymnasium, to build wooden building at bottom of Fitzroy Gardens.
- 2974 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 081- Burchett
Originally No.13 and street was called Jolimont Place. Site next to Sharp, on corner of Jolimont Terrace.
1877. MCC BR: Wm. Ireland to build 2-storey house for Mr. Mixner.
1878. James Mixner - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms.
1880c. Name mentioned: J.F. Mixner of Mixner and Campbell, Lime merchants of 47 Williams Street.
1970's. Restored and occupied by Telecom.
- 3151 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 117 - Burchett
1869. MCC BR: Anton Schultz to build dwelling house for the Misses Vernon. Site named as Jolimont Square.
1870. Mrs. (John) Vernon - owner/occupier. Brick, 3 floors and 12 rooms.
1900. Mrs. F. Ball - occupier.
- 2765 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 141, 143, 145 - Burchett
Originally No.141.
1862. MCC BR: J. Holmes for self a cottage.
1864. Directory lists: J. Holmes, in Jolimont Place.
1866. J. Holmes - owner, 6 rooms. John Sharp - occupier.
1870. J. Holmes - owner, 6 rooms. Thos. McIlwraith - occupier.
- 2566 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 147 - Burchett
1868. MCC BR: Gustave Durant to build house and same plan as existing adjoining one, (old) No.7 - facing Richmond Road.
1870. First Directory entry: (Old) No.6. Durant - owner. D.G. Freeman - occupier. (Name also mentioned: Mrs. Sehool?). (Old) No.7. Durant - owner. John R. Williams - occupier.
- 2693 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 157 - Burchett
1862. MCC BR: Thos. W. Lloyd for self, single-storey brick house. 3 rooms with kitchen.
1863. T.W. Lloyd - owner/occupier. Brick, 4 rooms.
1864. Mention of: Brick, 5 rooms.
- 2720 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South jolsq - Burchett
Various buildings are involved in Jolimont Square. The following entries refer to some of these.
1857. MCC Building Advice: To build the foundations of some houses for the Hon. J.F. Palmer (signed: James Bonham).
1863. Henry Langlands, pioneer, ironfounder and politician died here (at No.1). Widow lived on - see A.D.B. Vol.2.
- 2906 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South jolstation - Burchett
1902. Appears in Directory.
1903. W.H. Lewis - Station Master.
(Note: There is a reference in the index card regarding Sir W.J. Clarke. The private railway platform seems to be one at Sunbury, near his 'Rupertswood' property. See 'Walkabout' and A.D.B. Vol.3).
- 2620 reads
Panoramas of East Melbourne - Burchett
Series of panoramic photographs taken by Winston Burchett from the Mercy Hospital and the Hilton Hotel in 1973 and 1975.
- 3248 reads