Burchett index cards
East Melbourne, Vale Street 076 - Burchett
1887-1913. Mrs. Catherine Maynard - owner/occupier. Brick, 9 rooms.
1913-1930. Names mentioned: Harold E. Maynard and Miss. E. Maynard.
1974. Part of Berry Street Foundlings Home.
- 2665 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 080 - Burchett
1895. MCC Building Notice: J. Storie, builder, a house for Mrs. Newing.
1896-1906c. Name mentioned: Edward H. Newing. (In 1890 lived in tiny cottage at 125b George Street).
1900. Rate Book mentions: Brick, 9 rooms.
Note: Subsequently replaced by flats.
- 2437 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 082 - Burchett
1914c. Maisonettes. Names mentioned: Robt. A. Lowery, Southwell Conltas (Consultants?), Miss F. Wayne, Sister H. Anthoness - Central Mission.
- 2406 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 090 - Burchett
1914. MCC Building Advice: T. Rispin to build for George B. Hicks, 2-storey brick dwelling. Evans and Wright - architects.
1916. Name mentioned in Directory: Frederick J. Andrew.
- 2968 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 092, 094, 096 - Burchett
1883. MCC BR: Murray and Hill, builders and joiners of Victoria Parade, for Peter Hill 2-storey house.
1885. MCC BR: Peter Hill for self two 2-storey houses.
1885. Name mentioned: Peter Hill. Brick, 6 rooms.
1887. First Rate Book entries: Peter Hill - owner. Each of brick, 8 rooms. Occupiers: No.92 P. Hill. No.94 Thos Kidd. No.96 Mrs. Jones.
- 2683 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 110 - Burchett
1889. MCC BR: G. Knipe of 11 Darling Street, for self a house. J.W. Lockwood - architect.
1890. Name mentioned: Geo. Knipe.
1891. Geo. Knipe - owner. Brick, 10 rooms. W. Maher - occupier.
1900. Geo. Knipe - owner. Lockhart - occupier.
1979. Sold by auction.
Note: Reference to Knipe. See ADB V.5, p.37-8.
- 2595 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 112, 114, 116 - Burchett
1883. MCC BR: No.114. Wm. Scobie for Mrs. G.A. Grant. Norman Hitchcock - architect.
1883. MCC BR: No.116. G.A. Grant for self. Norman Hitchcock - architect.
1884. No.114. First Rate Book entry: George Alexander Grant - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms and stable.
- 3064 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 124 - Burchett
1886. MCC BR: W.W. Seddington, of Russell Street, Collingwood, to build dwellings and out-buildings for W. McLean, Esq. Twentyman and Askew - architects.
1887-8. W. McLean - owner/occupier. 20 rooms. Occupied till 1895c.
Later C. of E. Private Hospital - St. Ives.
1970's. Nurses Home - St. Ives, for Alfred Hospital.
- 2830 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 060,062,064 - Burchett
There may have been two No.12's originally. No.12a first appears in 1869 - may have been built on Anderson's stable site. (Refer 1894 MMBW plan). No.12a became No.60, No.14 to No.62 and No.16 to No.66? (should probably be No.64).
1852. Lot 15, Section 1 purchased by Solomon Benjamin.
1853. MCC BR: Wm. Anderson - builder, for self two houses and stables. (1854c-1893c).
- 2924 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 066, 068 - Burchett
1900. MCC BR: James Smith Training Home for Salvation Army. Brig. Edward Saunders - architect.
Note: For further information see N.T. F.N. 4414 in Folio File.
- 2696 reads