Burchett index cards
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1123 - Burchett
1914 Names mentioned: C. Parker to build for Caroline Parker. Dwelling on corner of Hotham Street.
1915-1950 Name mentioned: Chas G Parker, as living there.
Notation on card: Replaced by flats.
- 2659 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1151 - Burchett
Building is north of the "Boundary Hotel".
Constructed of weatherboards on the sides and simulated stone boarding in front.
1865 Names mentioned: Mick Collins for Mrs Egan. Record states "next Boundary Hotel". This
is disputed, as Mrs Egan already had a "wood" house next to hotel. Above would refer to a second one.
- 2910 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1153 - Burchett
1871 Names mentioned: G Wilson for Frederick W Bull.
1874 Names mentioned: Bull as owner, Schofield as occupier.
1878 Rated as 4 rooms.
Photo shows No. 1155 Hoddle Street. However, the partial view to the left is No. 1153.
- 2590 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1161 - Burchett
1873c Name mentioned: Thos Davies.
3rd stone house south of Gipps Street.
1875 not listed in Rate Book.
- 2524 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1197 - Burchett
1870-1876 Names mentioned: David Clark. For Bell.
Note: The first date noted on card reads as 1970. This should be 1870.
- 2680 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1199, 1201 - Burchett
1870-1872 Name mentioned: August Wernecke. Two brick cottages for self.
1878 Cottages re-built or much altered.
- 2562 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1225 - Burchett
1886-1904 Name mentioned: John Calhoun.
1886 Wm Thompson to build house between Simpson(?) and Grey Streets for Mr Calhoun.
Joel Eade - Architect.
- 2485 reads