LIVINGSTON, David Frederick
1168 Corporal (Cpl) David Frederick (Fred) Livingston, 29th Battalion was from Larraville, NSW, but gave as his own abdress that of his wife's address, 144 Simpson St., East Melbourne, Victoria. A 38 year old grazier prior to enlisting on 5 November 1914, he embarked with the D Company from Melbourne aboard HMAT Ascanius on 10 November 1915.
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LLOYD, Franklin Samuel
Franklin Lloyd was 23 years old, 5 feet eleven inches and weighing twelve stone when he enlisted at Melbourne on 2 July, 1915. He was a gasfitter by trade, and gave as his next of kin his mother, Mrs. Emily Bailey, living at 93 High St., Northcote. He trained at the military camp in Queens Rd., Melbourne, before being sent overseas attached to the 12th battalion.
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LOAS, John
John Loas was a Police Constable, living in East Melbourne with his parents, Joseph and Delia Loas, at 52 Albert St. He was one of eleven children, three of whom were named Joseph after their father and two, John. Delia Waldron and Joseph Loas or De Loas had been married in 1880.
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LONG, Cuthbert Jones
Cuthbert Jones-Long was 44 years old, a Ticket Writer by trade, when he joined up. The son of Henry James Long, a pharmacist, he ahd been educated at Scothch College, East Melbourne. He had a conviction for using obscene language, was nearly six feet tall, with blue eyes and brown hair. He gave his widowed mother as his next of kin: Mrs.
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removed by Ambulance train to Hosiptal in John Loughnan was born in rural Victoria at Charlton on 4 August, 1889 to his father John and mother Margaret Loughnan (nee Curran). He attended Xavier College from 1901-1902, where he developed his passion and skills for football. He spent school holidays at the family property in the Riverina, playing football for the Hay Football Club.
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LOWE, Robert
Roberet Lowe was born on 31 December, 1893, to Robert Walter Lowe, a burcher, and his wife, Annie, nee White, of Waratah, Tasmania. He was a motor mechanic by trade, single and living in Melbourne, near to his mother, now widowed, and his sister. Annie Lowe lived at 58 Albert St., East Melbourne, while Robert was nearby at 131 Victoria Parade.
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LOWELL, Rupert Leslie
Rupert Lowell was a 21 year old clerk when he enlisted at Broadmeadows, Melbourne, on 8 July, 1915. He had been living with his mother and sister, Violet, at 25 Grey Street, East Melbourne. Kathleen Lowell was a widow and in the 1909 Electoral Roll, decribed herself as a milliner.
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LOWRY, Leonard Ernest
Leonard Ernest Lowry was born in Hackney, London in March 1890 to William Henry and Caroline Lowry (nee Cahill). He was the youngest of 6 children, his father a cigar merchant. 1911 UK census records have Leonard living with his parents in Hackney. Shipping records note he left London for Australia in November 1911, aged 21 years.
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LUDBROOK, John Reginald
John Reginald Ludbrook was 18 years and three months old when he enlisted at the Melbourne Town Hall on 9 July, 1915. He was a clerk by profession, the son of John and Louisa Ludbrooke, of Green St., Ivanhoe, Victoria. His father was a Surgical Instrument Maker and optician, with premises at 197 Lonsdale St. Melbourne.
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LUNNEY, Norman Ernest
Norman Ernest Lunney was born in Footscray in 1899. He enlisted on 2 March 1917 at the age of 18. His mother, Isabella Lunney, of 49 East Melbourne, gave her permission for his enlistment underage, his father being deceased. Norman was living with his mother. He gave his occupation as clerk; he was single and had had 3 years in the senior cadets and was still serving.&nb
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