Burchett index cards
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1021, 1023, 1025 - Burchett
1882. MCC BR: James Edmond to build 3 cottages for Misses Chaffers. Architect - A.B. Koch.
1885. Miss Chaffer - owner of the 3 cottages. Occupiers - No.1021 S. Mottram. No.1025 A. Nickless.
Numbers shown on photo should be in reverse order. No.1025 on the right.
- 2719 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1027, 1029, 1031 - Burchett
1885. MCC BR: Thos. Meredith to build two 2-storey houses, in old Barracks Grounds, for Mr. Lefebvre. Architect - P. Treeby.
1886. Sinclair and McPherson to build 2-storey house for Mr. L.C. Lefebvre. Louis Lefebvre of Lefebvre and Sons, Wine and Spirit Merchants of 535 Collins Street.
1889. L. Lefebvre - owner of all 3 houses.
- 2897 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1033 - Burchett
1884. MCC BR: James Edmonds to build brick cottage for Mr. B.J. Bloomfield. Architect: Polain?
1885. B.J. Blomfield? - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms.
Photo shows No.1033 as the single-storey cottage between the 2-storey terraces.
- 2773 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1035, 1037, 1039 - Burchett
1900. MCC Building Advice: J.C. Duncan, builder for Misses Spink and Allee, 3 houses. Architect - William Pitt.
Misses Spink and Allee bought lots in Berry Street and Lot 6 in Punt Road at first land sale.
Allee had house on site before terrace was built.
- 2844 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1043 - Burchett
1884. MCC BR: Daniel McGrath for self cottage. (Identified as 'Hoddle Sreet Richmond Paddock).
1885. D.M. McGrath - owner/occupier. Bricks, 4 rooms.
Photo probably shows Numbers in reverse order. No.1043 being against the 2-storey terrace.
- 2607 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1045 - Burchett
1884. MCC BR: W.H. Parkyn to build cottage for Mrs. Stallard.
1885. Mrs. Stallard - owner/occupier.
Photo probably shows Numbers in reverse order. No.1045 is on right.
- 2551 reads
East Melbourne, Punt Road w - Burchett
1873-78. First appearance of one entry between Yarra Park and Wellington Parade: Mrs. Mitchell, refreshment house. 1882-83. Name mentioned: Mrs. Emily Bayly. 1881. Subdivided. 1884. Terraces and other houses on blocks south of school.
- 2831 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 008, 010 - Burchett
These 2 terraces are part of No.62 Wellington Parade. Please refer to this entry under Wellington Parade.
- 2385 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 012, 014 - Burchett
1873. MCC BR: George Richardson to build for James Kerr, Esq. two 2-storied houses.
1874? (on card as 1974). One house: James Kerr - owner. S. Girls? or possibly S. Mirls? - occupier. The other house: James Kerr - owner/occupier.
1875. Names mentioned: James Kerr, S. Mirls?
- 2672 reads