Bishopscourt Melbourne - Official Residence and Family Home
A social history of Bishopscourt Melbourne. It starts with the arrival of Bishop Perry and his choosing of the site for Melbourne's episcopal residence and works through the trials and tribulations that he and his wife experienced in the establishment of a house and a tradition that had to serve both their public and private lives.
- 4346 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196 - Burchett
Index card shows Nos.185-196. This should probably be 186-196. Church is on corner of Lansdowne Street.
1898 onwards, Chalmers Hall, Gipps Street West (Parliament Place) was used as the Greek Orthodox Church with Father Kantopolous as priest. (See East Melbourne history). Then in:
- 3818 reads