HUNT, Matthew Francis
Matthew was the son of Albert and Anne Hunt and was born c.1892. In about 1905 the family moved to 42 Grey Street, East Melbourne, when its original owner, James Peel Browne died the same year as his son, also James Peel Brown, leaving the son's wife, Catherine as the beneficiary.
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HUSSEY, William Richard
William Hussey was born on 3 July, 1895 at Strathmerton. He spent 3 years as a cadet whilst at school. On 16 September, 1915 he enlisted with the AIF at Broadmedows, however was discharged 3 days later as medically unfit - bunions. On 1 July, 1917 he renlisted again aged 23 years.
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George Hutchison enlisted on 19 June, 1916. He was a married man, having wed Elizabeth May Lott, known as May, in 1916. He gave their address on his enlistment form as 131 Powlett St., East Melbourne. Their son, Darken Charles Hutchison was born the following year in 1917, while his father was away at war.
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HYLAND, Francis William
Frank Hyland was onle a boy when he joined up, eighteen years and five months old. He was a junior telephone mechanic, in training with the Electrical Engineers Branch of the PMG, and living at 18 Berry St., East Melbourne.
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IPSEN, Carl Frederick Hendrik
Carl Frederick Hendrik Ipsen was the son of Danish born Carl Hendrik Ipsen and English born Bessie Jemima, nee Westmore. He was born in Abbotsford in 1892.
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JACK, Robert Duncan
Killed in action at Armentieres in 1916. Robert Duncan Jack was the son of Robert Hunter and Julia Jack. He was born in Caulfield in 1893.
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When William Jacobson was born on 20 April 1879 in Launceston, Tasmania, his father, Charles (1835-1904), was 43 and his mother, Margaret, nee Carswell, was 34 . William was the eldest of four children, Janet (b. 1881), Arthur (b.1884) and Ada (b.1886).
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JACOMB, Robert Arthur
Robert Arthur Jacomb came from a well established East Melbourne family. Robert Elwall Jacomb and his wife, Anne, had first lived in Victoria Parade and then, as their family grew, at 53 Powlett St from the 1860s. Robert Arthur Jacomb was born to their son, Robert Ker Jacomb, and his wife, Louisa, in January, 1886, at Brighton Beach.
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JAMES, Charles Frederick
Charles Frederick James was born on 17 March, 1885, and was baptised at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Eastern Hill. He was the son of Lewis James and his wife, Sophia, nee Friedlein. At the time of his enlistment, Charles James was 31 and 11 months old, working as a Public Servant and living at 53 Park St., Moonee Ponds with his wife, Alice Montgomery James.
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JAMES, George Edwin
George Edwin James was born in Birmingham, England c.1886. He arrived in Melbourne shortly before the war broke out and took up residence in East Melbourne. At the time of his enlistment on 17 August 1914 he was living at 125 Gipps Street, where at that stage one could rent furnished or unfurnished rooms with breakfast optional.
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