East Melbourne, Hotham Street 044 - 1890c
Copies of two photographs of Chandos, with figures. Late 19th century. One photo is taken from the street and shows the central path and garden on each side. The other photo is taken from the south east corner and is a diagonal view towards the central porch.
- 3574 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 050 - rear view
BW photo of Shrewsbury House, 50 Hotham Street. Shows rear view of large Victorian house. Reprint. C. 1973.
- 9153 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 109, 111
BW photo of 109-111 Hotham Street. Pair of two storey houses, framed by verandah of house opposite at 106 Hotham Street which is now filled in. Reprint. C. 1963.
- 5006 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 118 - 1917c
Newspaper photo of Torloisk, 118 Vale Street, East Melbourne probably at the time of it's sale by the McLean family to the Anglican religious order, the Community of the Holy Name. The property became the St Ives Private Hospital. (Ref.
- 3424 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 118 - 1990
Photograph of Torloisk, 118 Vale Street East Melbourne.
The building, previously St Ives Private Hospital, was purchased in 1990 by the Myer family who undertook major renovations including demolition of the hospital extension and restoration of some of the original architectural forms such as the corner window arches.
- 4498 reads