Tasma Terrace
Leaflet produced by the National Trust outlining the history of Tasma Terrace.
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Tower toppled
Newspaper clipping - development of MCG Hotel disallowed. The Age, 15 May 2002. Later proposals, 2004. Also clippings about nomination of the hotel for Heritage Victoria register in 2004, based on its history in the foundation of Australian Rules Football. Clippings 2004-2005 about Minister for Planning's controversial approval of development of MCG Hotel along with upgrade of Hilton Hotel.
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Triple Treat in East Melbourne
Newspaper clipping about a new development taking place which covers three buildings: the redevelopment of the old house Mosspennoch at 36 Wellington Parade into six apartments; a new seven storey block of twelve apartments next door at 22 Clarendon Street; and a third block of 49 apartments over fourteen floors around the corner at 178 Wellington Parade.
- 2372 reads
Trust café
Newspaper clipping about the opening of controversial new café in the basement level of Tasma Terrace, corner of St. Andrew's Place and Parliament Place. Local residents objected to it being open until 11 p.m. Also brochure with photos.
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Vic developers want filling in on policy
Newspaper clipping about the metropolitan planning strategy, Melbourne 2030, and concerns that it does not give enough direction on the matter of infill housing. Relevant to East Melbourne only generally, but includes photo over Yarra Park towards the city.
- 2654 reads
Who'll stop the architectural rape of our dowager suburb?
Newspaper article talks about East Melbourne's history, conservation problems, recent renovations.
- 2679 reads