East Melbourne, Gipps Street 041, 043 - Burchett
Built 1888 Coach House and Stables by William Hearnden for William Taylor.
Architect C D Ebro. 1888 - 1912 used as livery stables. 1912 - 1921 occupied by John Page, 1922 -29 used by S Taylor as livery stables and garage. Occuied 1937 - 1963 by Ola Cohn as home and studio.
- 2982 reads
East Melbourne, Gipps Street 043, Ola Cohn Centre
The building faces Ola Cohn Place, with the rear facing Gipps Street. The outline of the original carriageway entrance can still be seen from Ola Cohn Place.
This building was designed as livery stables by the notable architect, Charles d'Ebro in 1888 for William Taylor. In 1938 it was bought by Ola Cohn, the sculptor best known for her Fairies' Tree in the Fitzroy Gardens. She turned it into her home and studio.
East Melbourne, Ola Cohn Centre
Documents, research notes, correspondence relating to the East Melbourne Group's campaign to prevent the Council of Adult Education overturning the will of Ola Cohn and thereby leaving the Centre vulnerable to redevelopment. Includes information about Ola Cohn, and handwriten notes on William Taylor and his livery stables which were converted by Ola Cohn.
- 3658 reads
East Melbourne, Powlett Street 047, 049 - Burchett
1864. MCC BR: Wm. Vaughan to build for Rev. James Taylor. Large brick house corner George St.
1868. Rev. James Taylor. Was Minister of the Collins Street Baptist Church.
1870-1905. B. Benjamin - owner/occupier. Was Sir Benjamin Benjamin, merchant, politician, philanthropist and Jewish leader. Jointly owned cattle station 'Canally' with Edward Cohen MLA
- 3081 reads
East Melbourne, Powlett Street 171, 173 - Burchett
1870. MCC BR: William Jones to build 2 houses for Peter McEwan. Architects: Crouch and Wilson.
1871. Peter McEwan - owner both houses and occupier of one. The other occupied by Geo. Taylor.
1874 onwards Hon. James McPherson - member for Dundas, Premier and Chief Secretary lived here.
Occupiers mentioned: No.171 William Branch. No.173 Misses Murtom, Ladies College.
- 2896 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 514, 516, 518, 520, 522, 524 - Burchett
Originally numbered as No.89 for No.514, etc.with old No.79 now No.524.
1876. MCC BR: James Carlton to build for J. Knipe 6 houses.1877.
1877. J.H. Knipe shown as owner of 6 terraces. Brick, 8 rooms each.
Subsequenr occupants listed: Mrs. R.A. Levison. Michael O'Reilly. Thos. McLean. Rev. Ebenezer Taylor. Henry Heinbockel. Samuel W. Watcham.
- 3141 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 548
Fine Renaissance Revival single storey ashlar render residence. Elaborate eaves detail with timber brackets and render motif. Heavy cast iron frieze and brackets to verandah. The brackets have an unusual snake pattern. The slate roof is steeply pitched with fine render chimneys.
The house was built for William Phillips in 1869. Phillips was an iron moulder at the Victoria Foundry, Victoria Street, Carlton, and it is probably he who designed and cast the unusual iron brackets to the front verandah.
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 118, Rolyat
Large two storey house, currently used for a medical clinic.
The original house built for W.T. Trollope, solicitor, was single storey. The Rate Books up until 1867 give his name as the owner and occupier, and then the owner becomes T.W. Trollope, also a solicitor, until 1881. During the latter's ownership the house was rented out. It would appear that the two owners were in fact one and the same. Other members of W.T.
Jolimont, Agnes Street 045, 047
A pair of two storey ruled render terraces with classical details to window openings, party walls and parapet. A single storey verandah shades tripartite windows on the ground floor.
The houses were built as investment properties and were never occupied by their owner, Thomas Watts, who lived at Spring Hill Terrace, Wellington Parade, East Melbourne. Names of some of the occupiers are listed below. Watts owned the houses at least until 1890. The house was owned by A.R. Wilson in 1940 when it was advertised for sale as part of his estate.
Jolimont, Jolimont Street 050 - Burchett
1878. MCC BR: G.W. Freeman to build house for George Walstab. Mr. Lloyd Taylor, of Little Collins Street to be architect.
1880. Geo. Walstab - owner/occupier. Brick, 10 rooms. Name also mentioned Hurtle Fisher, as occupier.
- 2650 reads